Official Web Site of Lao Airlines

Relaxing in Pai

It\'s a good view.
Field in Pai
The market of Pai in the morning
The market of Pai in the morning
Many people like to visit at Coffe in Love
The popular place in Pai
Halfway between Chiang Mai and Mae Hong Son, the mountain road makes a winding descent into a large green valley carpeted with rice paddies and fruit groves. Mountains rise on all sides and butterflies flit along the streets. Here you will find a tiny town called Pai, named after the river that runs through the valley. Pai, a speck of a place with main roads (all four of them) offers you a rich bohemian atmosphere where you can collect your thoughts and commune with nature. In Pai, every day is a lazy Sunday. And if you\\'re ready for it, Pai offers you a wide palet of activities. Never a dull moment...